
Monday, October 5, 2015

Why Inspired Self-Confidence is the Road to All Roads

Along with my clients, I am learning... inspired self-confidence is the road to all roads.
Allow me to explain...

For many years I have known that cultivating a sense of self-confidence is a big piece of one's personal success puzzle. How? Why?
When we believe in ourselves, then we believe in our "personal magic"... aka, our gifts... aka our strengths. We believe in what's important to us. We believe in our impact. We believe in the importance of pursuing what is important to us. We make time for those things. We nurture those things. And we do all of this regardless of what it looks like to the outside world.

I am finding that one key way to nurture a sense of inspired self-confidence is to first truly know one's self.
How can you feel good about who you are if you don't really know WHO YOU ARE?!?
This is the true starting point.
Who am I really?
Why am I here?
It is our beliefs about who we are that shape who we are!
When it comes to inspired self-confidence what really matters is this: what do I really want to believe about myself?
Sure, sure, we all have negative thoughts and self-doubt from time to time, but what do you really want to believe to be true? 
What we focus on, we create more of. When we keep telling the same story, we keep getting the same result. In the realm of cultivating a strong sense of self-confidence, it's time to tell a better story.

So many people complain about not enough time to ourselves. Yet, "given" the time, we have no idea what we would do! And if we do know, then we wait around for someone to grant us permission to do these things. (Is that you? Holding your breath waiting?)
Here's a suggestion: compile a list of little activities you love to do for yourself. Then... Do them! Regularly! Fill yourself up in a way that no one else can. Insist on the time it takes to nurture your sense of self. Other things will fall into place when we nourish our desires on a soul-level.
Here's a personal list of ways I romance myself:
  • Neighborhood walks (Alone! Or with a dear friend)
  • Journaling
  • Yoga
  • Guided meditations
  • Dancing
  • Reading personal development books
  • Reading and writing poetry

The road to personal success is paved with a strong and wild sense of inspired self-confidence. 

Cultivate that. Master the inside game.

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