
Monday, October 5, 2015

My 5 Step Writing Process

About the Steps

This summer has brought about some exciting changes for me. Maybe the Kansas City heat has gone to my head, or maybe it's because I just turned 30 (which seemed like a pretty big deal in my world).

The main change I've made is that I've RE-DEVOTED myself to a more creative life. I've recommitted myself to the proven notion that creativity is really good for me.
Specifically, this has meant writing morning pages, and a newfound decision to learn how to paint. (and to paint as often as possible!). Also, I've been infusing more daily items with creative flair (aka: wardrobe choices, meals, etc.).

All of this creativity got me thinking about my writing process. I've realized that writing is very creative, but it is also a craft that REALLY benefits from some structure.
Today I wanted to share the five-step writing process I use to get my writing tasks accomplished. These five steps are what I use when I want to get a blog post written and are the same steps I use when I'm working on my book.


Step One: Make an 'ideas list.' Write down every possible idea. Do it quick. Get sloppy. Write every single possible idea, topic, or version you could possibly write.

Step Two: Mini Brainstorm for each idea. Write 2-3 subtopics or takeaways about each idea from step one. If more ideas come to mind and you have tons of sub-topics, go for it. The more you have, the better. This is a good indicator of which direction will be the most exciting and effortless.

Step Three: JUNK DRAFT TIME. Next, pick one idea and use your subtopics to write a quick junk draft of your blog/article/book/chapter. Don't worry about particular wording and definitely don't worry about grammar. This step is for getting the most important ideas on the page.

Step Four: Re-read. Edit. Add in and takeaway. This is the pruning session. I try to do this a day later (or at least an hour later) than the initial junk draft.

Step Five: PUBLISH/POST/SEND. Alas, once your piece of writing has been written, read, re-read, and edited, it's time to put it out into the world. Send that perfect email. Post your beautiful blog. Go for it, dear writer. Go for it.

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